The 8 p*ARTS of Speech and Sentence Parts Template
8 p*ARTS is a sample EduProtocol from the book, The EduProtocol Field Guide, Book 1. There are 16 more EduProtocols in Book One and 12 more in Book Two.
8 p*ARTS
Use 8p*ARTS to teach and reinforce the eight parts of speech. Start with a funny image as inspiration for vocabulary brainstorming. Using a ‘whole instructional model’ paired with repetition is very effective for mastery of the parts of speech. Many derivative works have been created to teach story structure, character analysis, and primary source document analysis. Explore some of these below!

The free templates available on this website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License: Iron Chef Lesson, Emoji Paragraph, Thin Slides, Sketch and Tell, Cyber Sandwich and Peanut Butter & Jelly, 8pARTS and Sentence Parts.
Start with the simplest template and allow students to grow into the more complex templates when they are ready. The steps are the same for implementing the larger 8 p*ARTS. as shown above.
Dive into grammar daily until Halloween to grow grammar and writing skills!
Use these collections of Images to inspire writing in students with 8 p*ARTS and Sentence Parts.
Prepare for the Activity
Step 1: Create the template in a slide program or drawing program, such as Google Draw.
Step 2: Find unusual or crazy, fun images for the prompt. The crazier the better so students have plenty of descriptive language from which to draw.
Step 1: Share the protocol with students.
Step 2: Students work in pairs or individually to complete their search for appropriate words to fit each part of speech based on the image. Pairs should agree on the chosen words and take turns finding and adding.
Step 3: Students write a three-word phrase.
Step 4: Students use their found words and the three-word phrase to write a paragraph describing the image.
Step 5: Use the same template over and over on a regular basis; just insert a new image for students who have completed their 8 p*ARTS to mastery (100 percent correct).
Step 6: As momentum toward mastery is gained, transition to independent work.Description text goes here
Sentence Parts Template
On page 2, continue deepening student’s understanding of grammar with Sentence Parts.
#Math Reps Work! by Lisa Nowakowski @nowatechie Math Reps Website
8p*ARTS of Awesome, Blog by Cheryl Morris
Baker’s BYOD: 8 pARTS and Creative Writing with Research, Blog by Katie Baker
Teachers share their ideas on 8 p*ARTS and Little Parts on #8parts
Teaching Grammar the Common Core Style, Blog By Thomasson Morris
You Know It’s Working (8 PARTS), Blog Lisa Nowakowski